KUALA LUMPUR, 21 December 2014: Great Vision Charity Association and 10 underprivileged families received some pleasant unexpected surprise during their Shopping Buddy Program at Tesco The Scott Garden when the owner of the Ella Collection fashion boutique located there, Mr Neezam Hj Moideen, presented the underprivileged families with a head scarfs each when he got to know of the program while the group passes by his outlet. While the group were dining at Seasons Restaurant, the restaurant also provided them with a special 10% discount in support of the charity movement.
The team leader for the event, Mr Ken Ho Ken How, were touched by the act of random kindness shown by members of the public such as the boutique owner and the restaurant owner in support of charitable activities to help the underprivileged groups and expressed his gratitude towards them. Special thanks were also given to the team of volunteers, who helped the families throughout the shopping session and comparing prices to get the best deals.
KUALA LUMPUR, 21 Disember 2014: Persatuan Harapan Mulia dan 10 keluarga yang kurang bernasib baik menerima beberapa kejutan menyenangkan yang tidak dijangka semasa Program Rakan Shopping mereka di Tesco The Scott Garden apabila pemilik butik fesyen Ella Collection yang terletak di sana, Encik Neezam Hj Moideen, menghadiahkan setiap keluarga yang kurang bernasib baik dengan sehelai kain tuding apabila beliau mendapat tahu mengenali program ini semasa kumpulan tersebut lalu di hadapan kedai beliau. Kemudiannya, semasa kumpulan tersebut menjamu makan tengahari di Restoran Seasons, restoran itu turut memberikan diskaun istimewa 10% bagi menyokong gerakan amal ini.
Ketua pasukan untuk aktiviti tersebut, Encik Ken Ho Ken How, berasa amat terharu dengan perbuatan kebaikan rambang yang ditunjukkan oleh orang ramai seperti pemilik butik dan pemilik restoran yang menyokong aktiviti amal untuk membantu golongan kurang bernasib baik dan berterima kasih ke atas sumbangan mereka. Ucapan terima kasih juga diberikan kepada pasukan sukarelawan yang membantu para keluarga sepanjang sesi membeli-belah dan membandingkan harga untuk mendapat tawaran yang terbaik.