Completed Fundraisers

/Completed Fundraisers
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    Fundraiser by Shayne for #HarapanMulia

    RM 750.00


    RM 3,000.00 Goal

    8 Donors

    It has been 5 years since I actively participate in the charity field. My parents had taught us the importance of giving back to society by bringing us to volunteer in orphanages and old folks' homes frequently. After graduation, I started working with a wide range of beneficiaries and found out that the root cause of poverty is a lack of proper education within the community.To improve their living condition, Great Vision has been supporting the underprivileged scholars that wish to further their studies at the tertiary level via Didik Kasih Program. It provides start-up assistance and a monthly allowance to support underprivileged students to pursue higher education as they lack financial support for their living expenses. Other than financial support, Great Vision provides the opportunity for the students to conduct their own charity projects based on their field of expertise to benefit more underprivileged individuals while learning soft skills such as project management and proposal writing at the same time.Other than Didik Kasih Program, Rakan Shopping Program is conducted every month to reduce the burden on underprivileged families living in PPR (Project Perumahan Rakyat). Cash vouchers will be handed to underprivileged families for a grocery shopping session with the volunteers.I’m currently fundraising for Great Vision in hopes to light up the lives of even more underprivileged individuals that are fighting for their future. Join me by donating to this meaningful campaign and show your support to our beloved beneficiaries ❤️
  • Out of stock

    Fundraiser by Syafiqah Hanif for #HarapanMulia

    RM 162.00


    RM 3,000.00 Goal

    6 Donors

    Play, Pray and Spray!Hey all! It’s your rising, striving and aspiring to be good, do good girl!  Well, professionally, most knows me as Fiqah – and casually, 80% of the people I know calls me ‘Gar’! Let me start with talking about what I do in real life.I’m a 24 years old, dedicated and aspiring social worker – working with Great Heart Charity Association along with other sister NGOs – Great Vision Charity Association, Earth Warriors Association and Persatuan Kebajikan Kasih Semadi!I’ve started working since I’m 19? Or maybe 20 years old – right after I graduated from my Diploma in 3D Animations. I’ve had several roles in my career, started with graphic designer, telemarketer, working in production house, social media writer and leaped to being a pledged copywriter - and now working as a social media team member here!It’s funny how my life journey goes, as I’ve always tryna be independent and have been moving here and there; to pursue my career, and my job. Gaining experience with all the works I’ve done; I’ve decided to be stronger to achieve more for my future.I came to Great Heart in July 2021, almost a year now! It’s really a change of culture, surrounding, experience and eye-opening moments when I started here. All this time, I’ve always thought that working in NGO is, like, literally – volunteering. Never have I thought that there would be a fully operating team that works together to provide support, aid and assistance to those in need. As I started my career here, in the social media field, and as a social worker – I’ve come to realise that Doing good has no boundaries.Your every action, movement, steps and effort towards doing good, everything matters. As small as holding the door open for others, to cleaning together and even by just saying thank you. All those actions are common in our daily life, but they bring warmth and indescribable feelings of harmony. Coming back to the fundraiser! I have volunteered several times with Great Vision Charity Association or Persatuan Harapan Mulia. I’ve gone through multiple Rakan Shopping sessions where we will be shopping for groceries and get items from the wishlist of the families themselves! We will then send over the groceries to their home, in PPR (Projek Perumahan Rakyat); if you don’t know what this is, PPR is a low-cost home for underprivileged families, mainly from the B40 category. Meeting these families, seeing how some single parents with children to care of, with health issue that are to be sacrificed for lacking the financial backing to go through treatment or just a super big family with low income to sustain trying to push through the struggle, and make their life better, grateful to even have a plate of rice on the table to feed their family. I’ve come to realise that what our support has given them. The monthly grocery aid for these families have given them hope, and privilege to live like any other family out there. With this monthly grocery purchase, they get to use high quality, best goods for the month. It is truly an eye-opening moment as I realise that they need the help, more than others. I’ve always come to think that my family situation is unfortunate. My mother is a single parent, struggling with sickness to raise me and my younger brother. We don’t always have enough, but we manage to still live together. Sharing the great things when it come and sharing the difficulties until it passes by. When I came into Great Heart, they offered me support and they heard my struggles, took into consideration of my difficulties – and now, here I am, going great with my job, and YES! Got married to my husband, – who is super supportive of my career and will ALWAYS volunteer for charity works with me too! OH and as for the Didik-Kasih EduCare program, I’ve always wanted to pursue my degree for a chance to improve my life. However, I decided that working is the best for me now, and maybe pursuing the degree will come – in any future. As for my brother, he got to pursue his studies and is doing his degree now. When Great Vision heard of my brother, they offered me to apply for their Didik-Kasih program for my brother – knowing the struggles my family is facing. I told my brother to apply for it, he prepared all the documents, went through the interview and BAM! He is one of the Didik-Kasih students now! Talking from my family’s own perspective, we are really really grateful that we receive this aid. My brother’s studies fee, e-learning costs and materials needed requires a decent sum of money to actually be able to learn comfortably. With the aid given, my mother can worry less about my brother’s internet bills, phone bills, study equipments and others. And to top that, my brother is also given the opportunity to volunteer, learn more about giving back to the community and to share the happiness. #HarapanMulia is a campaign to fundraise for Great Vision Charity Association, in hope to sustain the expenses, operating costs and to maintain the programs for 2023. I have decided to join the campaign as a fundraiser, and to raise a total amount of RM3,000!As I’ve mentioned before, since I spend my free times playing online PC games with my friends, I have decided to host a charity livestream fundraiser on my Twitch channel, and might bring it to Facebook Channel as well! Together with my group of friends, they will be streaming together with me to support the cause and we hope that it will go well for the whole month! If you are interested in supporting my fundraiser, donate to my fundraiser, or entertain yourself and head to my Twitch channel to support me there!Discord: ruexu#1001Twitch:  
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    Fundraiser by Tan Wei Kiong for #HarapanMulia

    RM 8,650.00


    RM 10,000.00 Goal

    9 Donors

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    Fundraiser by Tony Toh for #HarapanMulia

    RM 350.00


    RM 3,000.00 Goal

    3 Donors

    Being involved as part of the charity life, NGOs like Great Vision Charity Association has made us realize how important our missions are to help out the underprivileged families and people when needed whom are often forgotten by the society, especially towards the B40 communities.With the current ongoing situations like Covid-19 and lockdowns that heavily affected many underprivileged societies in a most unfortunate way, this critical moment is when each of us has the utmost responsibility to lend a care when they need us.And that’s why I’m setting a fundraise campaign dedicated to all GVCA programs. Here’s where we explain for each GVCA programs:
    • Didik Kasih EduCare program: For all donations made, all proceeds will go to helping the underprivileged students who are unable to pay up their basic costs to obtain their education in college. These students needed to fulfil their successful future life. The best part is? These same students most of the times will come back to even help other underprivileged families once they obtain their scholarship!
    • Rakan Shopping program: The proceeds will also go to B40 underprivileged families (mainly from PPR low-cost flat areas residency) where volunteers would purchase daily groceries for the families. It is known that many families have unsustainable income as a result of their dire condition imposed by many external factors. The recent Covid-19 only makes it worst and we hope that these proceeds will help stabilize their situation.
    • Collaborating partners: A little fact known is GVCA also collaborates with other associations and organizations like Prudential which facilitates PRUKasih Financial Relief, as well as sister NGOs like Great Heart Charity Association’s charitable programs which I came from! What a small world we are living now!
    So, are we waiting for? Let’s start our own part to help contribute donations to GVCA when we can! Remember that every single cent count, because they will always be life saver for those who are most unfortunate than us!
  • Out of stock

    Fundraiser by Wei San for #HarapanMulia

    RM 400.00


    RM 300.00 Goal

    5 Donors

    Call me Wei San 😊I believed in what goes around comes around. I care about people around me and I wished I could use my time and effort to make everyone around me a little happier every day. I try my hardest to do the right thing and give back when I should. This has brought me to an act of giving back to the society. The society had done so much for me and I took so much pride in where I came from, now is my turn to spread the love and care to the society.I am currently fundraising for Great Vision in hopes to light up the lives of even more underprivileged individuals that are fighting for their future. Join me by donating to this meaningful campaign and show your support to our beloved beneficiaries ❤️
  • Out of stock

    Fundraiser by Wei Siang for #HarapanMulia

    RM 368.88


    RM 300.00 Goal

    11 Donors

    Hi, I'm Wei Siang. It is my pleasure to be one of the fundraiser for Harapan Mulia!It's been eight years since i first volunteered for great vision, a trustworthy charity organisation that is well managed by a group of professional committees and was always supported by a wonderful bunch of people.Rakan Shopping Program and Didik-Kasih EduCare Program is two of the main charity programs run by Great Vision to provide financial aid to those underprivileged families, do check out the program details from official webpage and you will know how your little act of kindness will make a huge impact to the B40 needies!Life is busy, and it can sometimes be easy to forget to show your gratitude for all that you’ve been given. Since you are here reading my write up, please just click on the donation button to make a difference!It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving, thank you for your kind blessing and support!
  • Out of stock

    Fundraiser by Yong Xuan for #HarapanMulia

    RM 330.00


    RM 1,500.00 Goal

    4 Donors

    Help me support my favourite NGO! ❤I’ve always been a frequent volunteer for Great Vision Charity Association (GVCA) since my university days. Throughout my experience of volunteering with GVCA in the past 5 years, I am constantly amazed by the effort and passion they share to provide for the beneficiaries that are under their care. Despite my busy schedule, I try to make an effort to make myself available in many of their events, simply because I believe in the way they do things. Moreover, GVCA has always been transparent on the funds they received from donors, detailing every penny that goes into each programs, you may rest assured the donations are in good hands.This round, GVCA is looking to raise RM450k to continue their charity programs in year 2023. Donations will be used to fund 2 programs, namely the Rakan Shopping Program and the Didik-Kasih EduCare Program.Rakan Shopping Program would be the program I participated in the most, it aims to support the B40 communities by taking care of their monthly groceries needs. With groceries paid for, families can then focus on paying off overdue bills, medical fees, as well as the educational costs for their kids. Hopefully, it’ll be able to ease the burden of the families, and to create a better lifestyle for them.The Didik-Kasih EduCare Program is a study aid that aims to assist those who wishes to further their tertiary studies by providing them with a start-up assistance and monthly allowance to cover his / her living expenses while studying throughout the period of assistance. The program also aims to influence and inspire successful applicants to give back to the society by getting involved in, and organizing charity activities.My goal: To raise RM 1500.If the target is reached, I would like to bake some cookies for the donors that have donated a minimum of RM100. Self-collection is available for donors that stay nearby Sri-Petaling/ Happy Garden. Anywhere else would require further discussion and arrangement. Just make sure to fill in the billing details when you checkout so that I can contact you. 😊Thank you so much for your kind attention, do contact me if there are any queries regarding this fundraising initiative.Note: As GVCA is currently still in the midst of applying with the LHDN for our tax-exemption status, all donations received are currently non-tax-exempted. We seek for your kind understanding on this matter.
  • Out of stock

    Fundraiser by Yuen for #HarapanMulia

    RM 29,616.00


    RM 13,000.00 Goal

    20 Donors

    Update 2: Thank you all donors for making it possible to reach my targeted RM20k in funds raised for the #HarapanMulia campaign. As pledged, I have made a 10km run to mark the occasion, and completed the run at 1:12:10, in a little over an hour. Although tiring and feeling the muscle soreness now, the run has been worthwhile as with the funds contributed from my campaign, it means that we are RM20k closer in reaching the main campaign goal of raising RM450k to enable Great Vision Charity to continue its intended programs in 2023 to serve the needy. The main #HarapanMulia campaign is not over yet, so for those who would still like to extend your much-needed kind and generous support, please feel free to do so. Thank you!Update 1: Thank you for all your support which enable me to reach my fundraising target. However, as the #HarapanMulia 2022 Fundraiser has yet to reach its target, I will continue my fundraiser to try and reach RM20,000 in funds raised. If I am able to reach RM20k, I will be making a 10km run to mark the occasion. So, looking forward to receiving your support!..................................................................................................................The past 2 years has been a wild and emotional ride for many of us. It has been a period of both loss and also gain. We initially loss our freedom of movement, and restrictions to the way that we normally do things. But from the loss comes new ideas and approaches to move forward, growing and learning along the way from the steep learning curve, as how it has to be. As the saying goes, life finds a way and life goes on.From a personal perspective, we changed the approach on how we do things, from the need to be physically presence to reach out to our targeted beneficiaries, to become the hands and feet of our beneficiaries when they are restricted in their movements to within their housing compound. This was what happened for our Shopping Buddy program, where from initially bringing out the urban poor families and accompanying them to get their household groceries, we have now adapted to getting the list of needed groceries from each families by way of phone call, and going to the hypermarket to shop for the list of requested items before sending it over to the families, so that the needs of the underserved are still taken care of even when their movements are restricted. We even increased the number of supported families every month during this period, seeing the high number of families affected by the pandemic and economic uncertainties, from the initial 10 families per month, to a high of 80 families per month during the peak of the pandemic. We are now averaging 20 families per month this year for the Shopping Buddy program, hoping that the little assistance that was provided will at least alleviate the burden of the families, some of which are single mothers, working a few jobs to make a living so that they could feed their young children.On the positives side, it also heartens me that despite all the challenges the pandemic and lockdown are affecting our lives, some of the students under our Didik-Kasih EduCare program have continued to progress well in their studies. One who is majoring in Fine Arts had just completed his impressive artwork exhibition recently, while another is expected to be completing his aircraft maintenance technician license program by year end.We will not have been able to extend our support and services to all the beneficiaries under our care without the kind support and donations from our generous donors, such as yourself. It is undeniable that the economic uncertainties had certainly affected some of our existing donors’ capability to continue their support to us financially. We are also unable to conduct large scale physical fundraisers with the limitations. Thus, with the new norm, we have been adapting to the online crowdfunding method so that we will be able to have the funds necessary to continue running our range of charity programs and projects. With crowdfunding, everyone is able to support our programs, with as little or as much as they would like to, from the comfort of their own home.That is why I will be acting as one of the fundraisers to raise RM13,000.00 in support of the #HarapanMulia fundraiser so that Great Vision Charity Association will get to continue running our charity programs without disruption in 2023. I hope to be able to garner your warm and generous support, as we strive to inspire and empower less fortunate people via education and awareness, so that the underprivileged groups under our care will recognise their potential, and go from being takers to givers.Thank you for taking time to read my write up, and hoping to gather your much needed crucial support.Warm regards,Yuen
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    Plates of Hope – Fundraiser by Sunway University

    RM 630.00


    RM 600.00 Goal

    7 Donors

    We are culinary students doing a project called “Plates of Hope” teaming up with Trinity Community Children Home Society to serve up a better future for orphaned, abused, and neglected children.With your generous support, we can nourish their bodies and spirits, one meal at a time. Let's sprinkle love and kindness onto their plates and into their lives. Join us in cooking up a brighter tomorrow for these deserving young souls. Your donation today can be the secret ingredient that transforms their tomorrows.Together, let's create a recipe for resilience and joy!For more enquiries : Instagram: aliasofea_05 Phone no: 014-2348212Your support would mean a lot to us and the children.Fundraising Target: RM 600.00Fundraising Period: 18th October to 8th November 2023
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    Program Anak Muda NADI Malaysia

    RM 1,000.00


    RM 1,000.00 Goal

    13 Donors

    Pada tahun ini, kami mahasiswa/i Kolej Ungku Omar, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) akan menganjurkan program Anak Muda Nadi Malaysia Edisi ke-9 yang bertempat di Taiping, Perak bagi membina ukhwah silaturahim bersama anak-anak yatim di Pondok Pengajian dan Tarbiah Ukhrowi.

    Hasrat NADI bagi menyantuni anak-anak ini dengan mengambil inisiatif melibatkan komuniti kampung berdekatan menjalankan aktiviti bergotong-royong, rewang serta aktiviti sukaneka yang mendekatkan masyarakat bersama dengan anak-anak pondok.

    Dengan rendah hati, kami mengalu-alukan sumbangan orang ramai dengan seikhlas hati bagi memberi sumbangan dana agar program Anak Muda Nadi Malaysia Edisi-9 dapat berjalan lancar dengan jayanya.

    Mari bersama- sama menyumbang agar dapat memberi tenaga dan impak yang positif kepada anak-anak pondok di sana.

  • Program Seed 4 Our Live – Fundraiser by UPSI

    RM 343.50


    RM 1,000.00 Goal

    5 Donors

    Program Seed 4 Our Live merupakan program kesukarelawanan dikalangan mahasiswa UPSI dimana kami menyahut cabaran Kerajaan dalam melaksanakan kempen penanaman 100 juta pokok bakau menjelang tahun 2025.Antara manfaat pokok bakau adalah mampu menahan hakisan ombak di persisiran pantai yang mana ia dapat memberi kesan yang positif kepada masyarakat umum sekali gus dapat memberi manfaat kepada eco sistem haiwan - haiwan yang menjadikan hutan paya bakau sebagai habitat mereka .Visi dan Misi kami adalah untuk menyahut seruan kerajaan dalam pelaksanaan kempen ini dan menanam 500 pokok bakau di persisiran pantai.Program ini juga mendapat sokongan daripada Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Selangor dimana kami berkolaborasi bersama pihak jabatan perhutanan.
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    Student Fundraiser for Rakan Shopping

    RM 380.00


    RM 500.00 Goal

    17 Donors

    Dear kind-hearted donors,We are a group of Inti Nilai student from Group 5 Community Service. We are running the raised fund for Rakan Shopping Program.Rakan Shopping Program run by the Great Vision Charity Association an organization dedicated to improving the lives of underprivileged communities. We are currently running a fundraising to support 20 low-income families from PPR Hicom who desperately need our help.These families have been selected based on their financial situation, and they receive grocery assistance to help alleviate some of the burden of their financial struggles. With your support, we can ensure that these families have access to basic necessities and improve their quality of life.We understand that times are tough for everyone, but the families we are supporting are facing unprecedented challenges. The ongoing pandemic has resulted in job losses, reduced income, and increased expenses. As a result, many low-income families are struggling to put food on the table and pay for basic necessities like rent and utilities.Your donation, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in the lives of these families. It can provide them with the resources they need to survive and thrive during these challenging times. We believe that everyone deserves access to basic necessities, and your contribution can help us make this a reality for the families we are supporting.We appreciate your kindness and generosity in supporting our fundraising. Your donation will go a long way in helping us achieve our goal of improving the lives of underprivileged communities.Thank you for your support.

    RM 565.00


    RM 1,000.00 Goal

    16 Donors

    Kami, pelajar-pelajar Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) dari kumpulan 2 kursus UPU3412 Kesukarelawanan (I) akan menganjurkan sebuah program untuk membantu pelajar-pelajar yang kurang berkemampuan dengan memberikan keperluan barangan asas bagi meringankan beban mereka.

    dengan rasa rendah hati ingin mengalu-alukan sumbangan seikhlas hati daripada anda semua. Kutipan dana ini dilakukan bagi membantu kumpulan kami menambahkan dana bagi menjalankan Program “ Street Groceries and Food Contribution”.

    Oleh itu, marilah kita sama-sama menghulurkan bantuan agar dapat membantu meringankan beban pelajar-pelajar yang kurang berkemampuan.  Seterusnya, kami berharap agar program ini dapat berjalan dengan jayanya.

  • Your Help Makes Them Smile With Bliss Fundraiser by Sunway University

    RM 1,465.00


    RM 2,000.00 Goal

    28 Donors

    The objective to support the HiiChiiKok Foundation is to create a positive impact in the lives of those less fortunate, particularly the children residing in the orphanage. The team’s main aim revolves around raising a minimum of RM 500, which will be allocated for the purchase of daily essentials for the children, ensuring they have access to the fundamental comforts.
    The fundraising event will be held for a month starting 1 November until 1 December 2023.