Quick Form

/Quick Form
  • Donation: RM50 – RM2000


    Charity is a form of education. The implementation of charity culture into schools serves to jump-start students into organizing community projects voluntarily while enhancing their self-development and hence, delivering positive energy into our community.


    We actively collaborate with students from various societies in schools and universities. Talks and knowledge sharing sessions are conducted for the students and these students will then take the initiative to organise community projects with Great Heart acting as partners in support of them by providing them with guidance and funding.


    Monetary donation to support the activities. Every year, Great Vision aim to allocate RM3,000 per student group for 12 different sessions in a year. That totals to RM36,000 annually.
    Volunteer your time, should the activities organised by the students require the assistance of volunteers.
  • Donation: RM50 – RM2000


    The Shopping Buddy Program is a program conducted by the association on the third Saturday of each month, where 10 selected underprivileged families will be invited for a groceries shopping session with volunteers from the association. RM100 cash vouchers would be handed out to each selected families, which is hoped could help ease the burden of the families. It is a program that is run by the Great Vision Charity Association in collaboration with other partner association members so that they could influence more members to act as volunteers for charitable events.


    Program Rakan Shopping adalah program yang dijalankan oleh pihak persatuan pada hari Ahad ketiga setiap bulan, di mana 10 keluarga kurang bernasib baik terpilih akan dijemput ke sesi membeli-belah barangan keperluan rumah dengan sukarelawan dari persatuan itu. Baucar tunai RM100 akan diberikan kepada setiap keluarga yang terpilih, yang diharap dapat membantu meringankan beban keluarga-keluarga tersebut. Program ini dijalankan oleh Persatuan Harapan Mulia dengan kerjasama ahli-ahli persatuan-persatuan dan badan-badan rakan supaya mereka boleh mempengaruhi lebih ramai ahli untuk bertindak sebagai sukarelawan dalam aktiviti-aktiviti amal.
  • Donation: RM50 – RM2000


    The Didik-Kasih EduCare program is a study aid that aims to assist the underprivileged who wishes to further their tertiary studies by providing them with a startup assistance and monthly allowance to cover his / her living expenses while studying throughout the period of assistance. The program also aims to influence and inspire successful applicants to give back to the society by getting involved in and organizing charity activities.

    Target beneficiary

    Children from orphanages and underprivileged families age 17 and above who has enrolled in or being accepted in any local public or private institute of higher learning.


    Program Didik-Kasih EduCare merupakan satu bantuan pengajian yang bertujuan untuk membantu golongan kurang bernasib baik yang ingin melanjutkan pengajian tinggi mereka dengan menyediakan bantuan permulaan dan elaun bulanan untuk menampung perbelanjaan sara hidup mereka semasa tempoh pembelajaran. Program ini juga bertujuan untuk mempengaruhi dan memberi inspirasi kepada pemohon yang berjaya untuk berbakti kepada masyarakat dengan melibatkan diri dalam kegiatan dan menganjurkan aktiviti amal.

    Benefisiari sasaran

    Kanak-kanak dari rumah anak yatim dan keluarga yang kurang bernasib berumur 17 tahun dan ke atas yang telah mendaftar atau diterima di mana-mana institusi pengajian tinggi awam atau swasta tempatan.