Join us in making a difference! In our efforts to combat youth unemployment, particularly among orphaned and underprivileged teenagers in Malaysia, we are launching a community service project aimed at providing hospitality and culinary techniques. This campaign focuses on inspiring youths toward professional careers in hospitality, equipping them with essential life skills that benefit both their personal lives and future job prospects. Food insecurity is a significant issue, particularly for underprivileged teenagers who often lack access to higher education and face financial instability, mental health challenges, and insufficient support systems. These challenges stem from the lack of parental and educational privileges such as financial instability due to insufficient parental support, leading to inadequate support systems. This situation causes two major problems: inaccessibility to nutritious food and lack of quality education (Jayakumar, 2023; Hussin & San, 2023). Our cooking workshop aims to address these issues by contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of "Zero Hunger" and "Quality Education." By teaching children the basics to prepare nutritious meals, we can improve their overall well-being and nutritional intake.Additionally, the skills learned in these workshops will equip them with essential knowledge and abilities, promoting better life outcomes. Our workshops will teach them that even affordable food can be nutritious, preparing them for potential careers in the food industry and providing a sense of security and confidence as they step into the workforce.Our goal is to raise RM2500 to fund workshops and donations that will teach underprivileged teenagers how to prepare nutritious meals with affordable ingredients. These workshops aim to provide them with valuable skills for potential careers in the food industry, boosting their confidence and sense of security as they enter the workforce. Join us in empowering these teens to build a healthier, more stable future.Every contribution counts!
Out of stockHello there, my name is Jenny Yap I am a volunteer & event executive of Great Heart Charity Association. I get to know that our Sister NGO Great Vision Charity Association is running fundraising activities to maintain and continue their helping hand to the underprivileged family and underprivileged student.A little bit introduce of Great Vision Charity Association had two programme in action which is “Didik-Kasih Educare Program” & “Rakan Shopping Program”.The Didik-Kasih Educare Program provides care in the form of study aid, which assists to those who are underprivileged and want to continue their studies on tertiary level. It provided startup assistance & monthly allowance to cover their living expenses while they study.The Rakan Shopping Program is that conducted on third Sunday of each month, where 10 underprivileged families are invited for a grocery shopping session with volunteers. RM100 cash vouchers are handed out to each family as to lighten their financial load.Hope the above short introduction is clear for your understanding. In this fundraising activity I personally appreciate for your kindness help; and in return for your donation I will hold a lucky draw section for the donors.With every RM100 of donation will valid with one entry.Please screenshot your donation receipt and email to me at [email protected] Do provide me your full name, phone no, and address for the lucky draw section.Entries validity date will run until 30th November 2020, and lucky draw live section will be on my Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jenny.yap.7186 on 1st December 2020 @ 20:00 hrs. Donation entries submitted will stand a chance to win one whole set of Angry Bird Crochet doll.Of cause this donation is not a must for the amount as stated, I would be happy and most appreciate with any amount of your donation.Sincerely thank you and wish all your kindness will be blessed with all the good fortune.Thank You! Yours sincerely, Jenny Yap
Out of stockWHATI'm fundraising RM500 for Great Vision Charity's work with the B40 community. Every RM50 donated allows the charity to put together a grocery pack for a B40 family which will last the family a month. WHYWith rising costs of living (think the many jams you've been stuck in & how much money just goes to petrol), the B40 community has continued to face financial challenges post-pandemic. HOWI'll be fundraising by making TikTok videos! Everyone who donates can send me a TikTok trend that they want me to do & I will do it (despite my limited dance skills). Thank you for your time & for donating to this cause!
Out of stockHi, I'm Maizatul Amirah. I have been invited to collab with Persatuan Harapan Mulia to raise an awareness regarding the current campaign #HarapanMulia 2022 Fundraiser.Many of the current era's occurrences, such as covid-19, rising food prices, and others, would be detrimental to those who came from impoverished or low-income homes. We were designed to feel compassion for individuals who face misfortune.I believe that giving money to others, rather than spending more money on oneself, may lead to happiness. Charity donations may benefit you, your family, and your company. Hence, donations may improve the life of a person.Join our Great Vision Association Fundraising Campaign and help out make this a recurring event in the community. My target of this fundraising is RM1000. Make the most of this chance to contribute to making a good difference in someone's life!“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” – Helen Keller
Out of stockPersatuan Harapan Mulia. Sebuah NGO dimana aku berkhidmat sebagai Pekerja Sosial Komuniti. Sebuah platform yang memberi harapan baru kepada masyarakat yang memerlukan. Pelbagai bentuk bantuan yang telah diberikan kepada golongan b40 seperti bantuan keperluan asas kepada keluarga, bantuan pendidikan kepada pelajar yang memerlukan dan lain-lain lagi (rujuk facebook rasmi Persatuan Harapan Mulia). Semua ini adalah hasil sumbangan dan sokongan dari orang ramai yang prihatin.Secara peribadi, saya nak kongsikan betapa sepanjang 10 bulan berkhidmat disini, saya dapat melihat realiti perjuangan orang-orang yang kurang bernasib baik diluar sana untuk meneruskan kehidupan. Peluang untuk turun padang dan mendekati penduduk dari golongan b40 merupakan satu pengalaman yang berharga dan membantu diri sendiri untuk menjadi insan yang lebih prihatin dengan orang lain. Mereka bukan tidak berusaha untuk mengubah kehidupan mereka tetapi nasib tidak menyebelahi mereka mahupun tiada jalan untuk membina sebuah kehidupan yang lebih baik.Tahukah semua macam mana sesebuah NGO itu untuk kekal kukuh dan memberi manfaat kepada orang ramai. Ia melalui derma dan dana dari individu dan juga badan korporat. Sejumlah dana yang diberikan akan digunakan dan dimanfaatkan sebaik mungkin dan disalurkan kepada golongan b40. Segala bentuk bantuan akan dirancang dengan baik agar tujuan sebenar NGO ini ditubuhkan tercapai dan ramai yang dapat manfaatnya tidak kira agama, kaum dan bangsa.Aku pernah bertanya kepada salah seorang penerima manfaat, apa yang akan dilakukan dengan bantuan yang diberikan dan jawapannya “Makcik dan Pakcik ni berniaga nasi lemak, sebelum ni pernah terfikir nak kembangkan lagi perniagaan tapi duit hanya cukup untuk beli barangan mentah untuk jualan esok dan perbelanjaan anak sekolah, tapi dengan bantuan ni makcik boleh la beli beras dengan barangan lain nanti boleh buat lebih”. Secara peribadi, kita dapat lihat betapa bantuan yang diberikan mampu untuk mengubah kehidupan seseorang walaupun nilainya cuma Rm 1.Jika NGO ini tidak diwujudkan atau sudah tidak beroperasi lagi, bagaimana dengan mereka nanti. Saya percaya, ramai diluar sana prihatin dengan nasib mereka ini, tetapi tidak tahu cara untuk membantu mereka. Kami bebesar hati jika ada individu yang prihatin ingin menyalurkan sumbangan kepada kami dan sama-sama kita membantu mereka. Secara jujur, Persatuan Harapan Mulia sangat memerlukan bantuan dana dari orang ramai untuk terus menyalurkan bantuan kepada golongan yang memerlukan seperti ini. Tetapi semenjak Pandemik Covid-19 melanda Negara kita, semakin hari, kami semakin kekurangan dana untuk menyalurkan bantuan dan mereka yang terkesan semakin ramai. Manakala sumber dan dana kami ada semakin berkurangan. Ayat yang paling mudah difahami, makin ramai orang memerlukan bantuan, makin banyak dana yang diperlukan. Seperti mereka yang memerlukan kami untuk berjuang dalam kehidupana, kami juga memerlukan sumbangan yang ikhlas dari korang semua untuk brjuang untuk terus memberi khidmat bantuan kepada masyarakat yang memerlukan.Secara ikhlas dari hati, kami dari mengalu-alukan sumbangan dari pihak Tuan/Puan. Resit rasmi akan dikeluarkan bagi setiap sumbangan yang diberikan.
Out of stockAdakah NGO (Non-Government Organization) masih relevan pada abad ke 21?? Apa yang NGO buat?? Alah, JKM kan ade, kenapa masih perlu NGO?Ini antara beberapa persoalan yang bermain difikiran aku dahulu kala dan aku rasa orang ramai pun masih memikirkan persoalan ini.Jom kita rungkai persoalan diatas berdasarkan pandangan peribadi aku.NGO (Pertubuhan Bukan Kerajaan) adalah merupakan pertubuhan yang ditubuhkan oleh pihak atau pertubuhan swasta yang tidak mempunyai apa-apa hubungan dengan mana-mana kerajaan. So, basically NGO ni bebas politik.Adakah NGO masih relevan? Yup, pada aku NGO masih relevan & akan terus relevan sampai bila – bila. NGO ditubuhkan untuk mengatasi masalah – masalah social dikala negara sedang pesat membangun. Ianya juga ditubuhkan bertujuan untuk memperjuangkan sesuatu agenda social dimana ianya selalu dipandang enteng oleh masyarakat dek kerana kerakusan mengejar arus permodenan. Contohnya macam nasib serta hak golongan yang kurang bernasib baik.Apa NGO buat? NGO banyak melakukan kerja dibelakang tabir. Senang cakap kerja tak famous. Kerja yang tidak melibatkan keuntungan. Namun setiap kerja yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk memupuk sifat tanggungjawab antara masyarakat disamping melahirkan kesedaran dikalangan masyarakat. Setiap kerja yang dibuat tidak mengharapkan balasan namun berharap ianya dapat memberikan anjakan perubahan kepada sikap, pandangan serta tanggapan masyarakt umum kepada sesuatu masalah social.Contohnya, umum mengetahui bahawa masih terdapat rakyat Malaysia yang hidup dibawah paras kemiskinan. Bayangkan, golongan – golongan ini kekadang makan sehari cuma sekali. Tinggal dirumah usang, tak ada kemudahan asas air & elektrik. Anak – anak terpaksa dinafikan hak pendidikan disebabkan tidak mampu untuk menyediakan kelengkapan persekolahan. Isu – isu ini yang akan NGO akan cuba berikan bantuan. Ada NGO yang berikan bantuan kelengkapan barangan dapur, ada NGO yang menyediakan bantuan pendidikan.Alah, JKM kan ade, kenapa masih perlu NGO? JKM wujud bertujuan untuk membela nasib masyarakat serta golongan yang kurang bernasib baik. Namun, kita perlu sedar bahawa JKM saja tak mampu nak ubah serta bela nasib – nasib golongan yang kurang bernasib baik. Sebaliknya masyarakat patut bersama – sama bersama JKM untuk membela nasib golongan ini. Namun disebabkan sikap enteng & kurang keprihatinan, masyakat sering mengabaikan golongan ini. Bila macam ni, NGO akan back up JKM. Apa yang JKM terlepas pandang, NGO akan cuba berikan bantuan dan salurkan maklumat kepada JKM. Boleh dikatakan NGO & JKM saling melengkapi satu sama lain.Ini cuma pandangan peribadi aku. Next posting kita akan bincang tentang pendidikan dan golongan kurang berkemampuan.
Out of stockBeing involved as part of the charity life, NGOs like Great Vision Charity Association has made us realize how important our missions are to help out the underprivileged families and people when needed whom are often forgotten by the society, especially towards the B40 communities.With the current ongoing situations like Covid-19 and lockdowns that heavily affected many underprivileged societies in a most unfortunate way, this critical moment is when each of us has the utmost responsibility to lend a care when they need us.And that’s why I’m setting a fundraise campaign dedicated to all GVCA programs. Here’s where we explain for each GVCA programs:
- Didik Kasih EduCare program: For all donations made, all proceeds will go to helping the underprivileged students who are unable to pay up their basic costs to obtain their education in college. These students needed to fulfil their successful future life. The best part is? These same students most of the times will come back to even help other underprivileged families once they obtain their scholarship!
- Rakan Shopping program: The proceeds will also go to B40 underprivileged families (mainly from PPR low-cost flat areas residency) where volunteers would purchase daily groceries for the families. It is known that many families have unsustainable income as a result of their dire condition imposed by many external factors. The recent Covid-19 only makes it worst and we hope that these proceeds will help stabilize their situation.
- Collaborating partners: A little fact known is GVCA also collaborates with other associations and organizations like Prudential which facilitates PRUKasih Financial Relief, as well as sister NGOs like Great Heart Charity Association’s charitable programs which I came from! What a small world we are living now!
Out of stockHi my name is Jay Fam. I am 8 years old. This is my first time trying to be a fundraiser to raise fund for a charity. I believe everyone should be trying to help each other to make the world a better place. Life is beautiful and I hope you can support my fundraiser. Thank you.❤️
Out of stockAbout Me Hi, my name is Tony. Although working in Great Heart Charity Association’s administrative department, I have also been recently involved in engaging at several social work activities in my sister NGO Great Vision Charity Association. I believe that lending a kindness hand are one of the most important aspects in our life when engaging for the good sake of the society.Rakan Shopping Program The Rakan Shopping (also known as Shopping Buddy Program) is one of my favourite charity work in Great Vision Charity Association so far. The reason I chose to volunteer this program is because it helps one to discover how people living in the underprivileged world look like where many of us rarely take into realization.Every month, Rakan Shopping Program would help at least dozens of low-income underprivileged families living mainly at low-cost flat areas by providing them groceries worth a total of RM100 for a family. The grocery items included basic goods such as rice, flour, cooking oil, beverages, canned food, noodles and so on in order to cope for their basic necessity life suffered due to financial difficulties.Why fundraise? By doing this fundraise, we hope that every single cent donated are highly valuable as they will be funneled through supporting Rakan Shopping Program as well as other related activities within Great Vision Charity Association such as Didik Kasih Edu-Care Program.If you would like to contribute something for the good of society but couldn’t physically volunteer outside, you can start on your own small effort by helping to donate to us! Every single kind donation is much appreciated!
Out of stockHello~~ Meet me Nazihah!Saya merupakan pekerja sosial di Persatuan Harapan Mulia. Ini perjalanan saya bersama Persatuan Harapan Mulia dalam membantu komuniti dan pelajar B40. Sepanjang 3 tahun perjalanan saya, banyak kisah sedih, kesusahan, happy dan pengajaran hidup yang saya dapat belajar daripada mereka. Ada yang struggle untuk membeli peralatan bayi, ada yang menabung untuk menyediakan kenderaan yang selesa untuk anak-anak, ada atuk dan nenek sama-sama berniaga di sekitar rumah untuk menampung kos sara hidup harian. Ada juga yang sedang berjuang untuk melawan penyakit yang mereka hidapi. Pelbagai cabaran dan dugaan yang mereka hadapi dalam kehidupan. Mereka berusaha untuk membuat yang tebraik untuk keluarga mereka. Pihak GVCA sentiasa cuba sebaik mungkin untuk menyantuni mereka untuk memahami perjalanan hidup mereka agar bantuan yang disalurkan adalah bersesuaian dengan apa yang mereka perlukan. Banyak kisah kalua nak ceritakan sebenarnya. Tapi ada satu kisah yang saya masih saya ingat.Kisah yang paling saya rasa dekat dihati adalah seorang kisah seorang Pakcik yang menghidap leukimia, dia kuat untuk lawan sakit dia. GVCA bantu dia beberapa kali untuk bantuan barangan dapur dalam program Rakan Shopping. Saya masih ingat lagi ayat yang Pakcik tu bagitahu “terima kasih bagi Pakcik bantuan ni, 3 bulan ni Pakcik dah tak payah beli barangan kering, duit tu Pakcik boleh la guna buat bayar grab nanti untuk pergi hospital masa buat rawatan dan bayar bil hospital”. Setiap kali saya hantar barang bantuan, dia akan jumpa saya untuk ucapkan terima kasih walaupun dengan keadaan yang tidak sihat. Pakcik telah meninggal dunia pada tahun 2021 akibat sakitnya itu. Sejujurnya saya sedih apabila dengar pakcik tu dah meninggal dunia, tetapi dalam masa sama saya cukup berpuas hati kerana saya sudah melakukan yang terbaik untuk bantu Pakcik ringankan beban dia. Mungkin benda tu nampak sedikit pada kita, tapi sebenarnya besar nilai tu buat mereka.
Out of stockHelp me support my favourite NGO! ❤I’ve always been a frequent volunteer for Great Vision Charity Association (GVCA) since my university days. Throughout my experience of volunteering with GVCA in the past 5 years, I am constantly amazed by the effort and passion they share to provide for the beneficiaries that are under their care. Despite my busy schedule, I try to make an effort to make myself available in many of their events, simply because I believe in the way they do things. Moreover, GVCA has always been transparent on the funds they received from donors, detailing every penny that goes into each programs, you may rest assured the donations are in good hands.This round, GVCA is looking to raise RM450k to continue their charity programs in year 2023. Donations will be used to fund 2 programs, namely the Rakan Shopping Program and the Didik-Kasih EduCare Program.Rakan Shopping Program would be the program I participated in the most, it aims to support the B40 communities by taking care of their monthly groceries needs. With groceries paid for, families can then focus on paying off overdue bills, medical fees, as well as the educational costs for their kids. Hopefully, it’ll be able to ease the burden of the families, and to create a better lifestyle for them.The Didik-Kasih EduCare Program is a study aid that aims to assist those who wishes to further their tertiary studies by providing them with a start-up assistance and monthly allowance to cover his / her living expenses while studying throughout the period of assistance. The program also aims to influence and inspire successful applicants to give back to the society by getting involved in, and organizing charity activities.My goal: To raise RM 1500.If the target is reached, I would like to bake some cookies for the donors that have donated a minimum of RM100. Self-collection is available for donors that stay nearby Sri-Petaling/ Happy Garden. Anywhere else would require further discussion and arrangement. Just make sure to fill in the billing details when you checkout so that I can contact you. 😊Thank you so much for your kind attention, do contact me if there are any queries regarding this fundraising initiative.Note: As GVCA is currently still in the midst of applying with the LHDN for our tax-exemption status, all donations received are currently non-tax-exempted. We seek for your kind understanding on this matter.
Out of stockCall me Wei San 😊I believed in what goes around comes around. I care about people around me and I wished I could use my time and effort to make everyone around me a little happier every day. I try my hardest to do the right thing and give back when I should. This has brought me to an act of giving back to the society. The society had done so much for me and I took so much pride in where I came from, now is my turn to spread the love and care to the society.I am currently fundraising for Great Vision in hopes to light up the lives of even more underprivileged individuals that are fighting for their future. Join me by donating to this meaningful campaign and show your support to our beloved beneficiaries ❤️