
  • Donation: RM50 – RM2000


    The Didik-Kasih EduCare program is a study aid that aims to assist the underprivileged who wishes to further their tertiary studies by providing them with a startup assistance and monthly allowance to cover his / her living expenses while studying throughout the period of assistance. The program also aims to influence and inspire successful applicants to give back to the society by getting involved in and organizing charity activities.

    Target beneficiary

    Children from orphanages and underprivileged families age 17 and above who has enrolled in or being accepted in any local public or private institute of higher learning.


    Program Didik-Kasih EduCare merupakan satu bantuan pengajian yang bertujuan untuk membantu golongan kurang bernasib baik yang ingin melanjutkan pengajian tinggi mereka dengan menyediakan bantuan permulaan dan elaun bulanan untuk menampung perbelanjaan sara hidup mereka semasa tempoh pembelajaran. Program ini juga bertujuan untuk mempengaruhi dan memberi inspirasi kepada pemohon yang berjaya untuk berbakti kepada masyarakat dengan melibatkan diri dalam kegiatan dan menganjurkan aktiviti amal.

    Benefisiari sasaran

    Kanak-kanak dari rumah anak yatim dan keluarga yang kurang bernasib berumur 17 tahun dan ke atas yang telah mendaftar atau diterima di mana-mana institusi pengajian tinggi awam atau swasta tempatan.
  • Out of stock

    Golden Key Society Charity Night: Lights of Hope

    RM 1,416.00


    RM 1,400.00 Goal

    14 Donors

    Service Pillar of Golden Key Society Multimedia University is a youth organization operating under Golden Key Society from Multimedia University Melaka Campus that aims to relieve poverty by providing basic amenities for people in need, protect the environment, safeguard animal welfare and encourage community development.

    In 2024, we have taken up this challenge to organize the Charity Night: Lights of Hope in collaboration with non-governmental organizations which are Handicapped & Mentally Disabled Children Center Melaka.

    This event creates opportunities for persons with disabilities to showcase the ways they navigate and excel in their daily lives.

  • A little goes a long way! – Fundraiser by Sunway University

    RM 681.91


    RM 1,000.00 Goal

    14 Donors

    We are a group of students from Sunway University. We are currently doing a project that raise funds for Rumah Hope which is a sanctuary for abused, neglected, and under-privileged children.We hope that our insignificant donation can bring some warmth to the childrens in the orphanage, giving them better childhood memories. Times are tough for everyone especially when you’ve lost both of your parents during your childhood. Therefore, we are here to support them with what we can offer. We appreciate your kindness and generosity by supporting our fund raising.A little goes a long way!For more inquiries: Instagram: sandralyt_02 Phone no.: 012-4440921Thank you for your support.Fundraising Target: RM 1000Fundraising Period: 23 October to 12 November 2023
  • A New Hope, A Greater Future – Fundraiser by Sunway University School of Hospitality and Service Management students

    RM 780.00


    RM 1,000.00 Goal

    14 Donors

    “A New Hope, A Greater Future”, a fund-raising campaign organized by Sunway University School of Hospitality and Service Management students. Our aim is to raise funds of RM 1,000.00, which would allow us to purchase daily necessities such as daily products, school supplies and stationery as well for Rumah Ozanam Klang. As University students, we would love to contribute and engage in this event to the best of our abilities as well as lending a hand to the unfortunates. Throughout the event, with the key activities that we were planning to do so, we hope that the children would be happy to continue their interest in learning as education is a very important aspect of our lives. Thus, we do hope that our contributions bring good support to the children. Nevertheless, with a small support from each person, we believe that every contribution helps a lot.Fundraising Target: RM 1,000.00Fundraising Period: 20th October to 10th November 2023
  • Out of stock

    Program Anak Muda NADI Malaysia

    RM 1,000.00


    RM 1,000.00 Goal

    13 Donors

    Pada tahun ini, kami mahasiswa/i Kolej Ungku Omar, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) akan menganjurkan program Anak Muda Nadi Malaysia Edisi ke-9 yang bertempat di Taiping, Perak bagi membina ukhwah silaturahim bersama anak-anak yatim di Pondok Pengajian dan Tarbiah Ukhrowi.

    Hasrat NADI bagi menyantuni anak-anak ini dengan mengambil inisiatif melibatkan komuniti kampung berdekatan menjalankan aktiviti bergotong-royong, rewang serta aktiviti sukaneka yang mendekatkan masyarakat bersama dengan anak-anak pondok.

    Dengan rendah hati, kami mengalu-alukan sumbangan orang ramai dengan seikhlas hati bagi memberi sumbangan dana agar program Anak Muda Nadi Malaysia Edisi-9 dapat berjalan lancar dengan jayanya.

    Mari bersama- sama menyumbang agar dapat memberi tenaga dan impak yang positif kepada anak-anak pondok di sana.

  • Out of stock

    Fundraiser by Isabella for #HarapanMulia

    RM 685.00


    RM 500.00 Goal

    13 Donors

    嗨,我是Isabella。认识我的人都知道有我的出现,就是散发正能量的时候了~疫情严重性已慢慢舒缓,大家都学习着如何与病毒共存,相信各路义工们已万事俱备只欠东风了吧?这次有幸参与 宏愿慈善协会 的筹款活动,帮助弱势群体们在家庭开销孩子学费上减轻负担。我本身也是来自弱势家庭,知道这些津贴对于我们来说是很大的帮助,所以在受的同时我也学习着如何施出幸福。捐款数额没有限制,每一份都是来自你们的祝福,大家一起付出力量吧!
  • Out of stock

    Donate A Chance by Andrew Lim for #HarapanMulia

    Minimum Donation RM 1.00

    RM 1,394.00


    RM 10,000.00 Goal

    12 Donors

    Hi! I'm Andrew. It’s been more than 1 year since I have been a full-time social worker! I always believe “Love and kindness are our light, guiding us through times of darkness”.I started “Donate a Chance”, because I realise most underprivilege they’re not given the chance to expose to opportunities, such as education, jobs, circle of friends and etc.It breaks my heart to see so many people still living in poverty and yet not doing anything, so it is a moral thing to help them, so that we really do something in this world. I believe everyone deserve a chance, give them the hope and the chance to complete their life without any obstacles.Why I joined this initiative? Many teenagers they have a bright future ahead of them, but opportunity is what they’re always lacking off.I personally love Didik Kasih EduCare program, a lot. It helps the student from lower income family to support the things that they are really lacking of. Indirectly, they are also lowering the families’ burden, while their children are able to pursue for a higher learning education.Being as a college/university student has never been easy. Aside from the academically stress, even if you are being fully sponsored on your academic, you will still need extra income to live, even if you are having mix rice or Maggie goreng every day. It adds up to an average of RM10.00 a day, just for a meal. What about the rental? Utilities bill? Transport? This may cause extra stress to the student which possible to distract them from their studies.I’m a passionate and driven person. I thrive on challenges and constantly setting goals for myself, so I have something to strive towards. In this case, I always strive to “give” more to the others in need, to help others in need!Join me in showing lights to more of the people who need our help!
  • Out of stock

    Fundraiser by Nurul Faraheen for #HarapanMulia

    Minimum Donation RM 1.00

    RM 358.00


    RM 10,000.00 Goal

    11 Donors

    Hi everyone!Korang tahu tak sambung belajar ke peringkat university/kolej adalah satu hak yang istimewa bukan semua orang boleh dapat?Saya, Faraheen, saya dah bekerja lebih dari 1 tahun di bidang charity (kerja amal) di Great Heart Charity Association (GHCA) dan saya dah pernah lihat berapa ramai sahabat2 baya saya atau adik-adik saya yang tiada hak istimewa ini disebabkan keadaan kewangan keluarga mereka yang tidak mengizinkan.Tapi, salah sebuah organisasi di bawah GHCA iaitu Great Vision (GV), mereka telah membantu ramai pelajar yang berasal daripada keluarga yang kurang berkemampuan untuk melanjutkan pelajaran mereka dengan memberi bantuan kewangan dari segi duit sara hidup bulanan dan juga mengajar pelajar-pelajar tersebut bagaimana untuk merancang dan melaksanakan program amal dibantu oleh wakil-wakil daripada GV.Bagi saya, apa yang dilakukan oleh GV dapat memberi impak yang mendalam. Jangan terkejut ye kawan-kawan, pelajar mungkin boleh mohon bantuan untuk membayar yuran pengajian dan mendapat sedikit extra untuk sara hidup tapi cukup ke tanpa duit tambahan dari ibu bapa? Ramai tak yang terpaksa ikat perut demi tidak mahu menyusahkan ibu bapa mereka? Memang ramai, saya juga pernah lalui situasi ini dahulu.Oleh itu saya skrg sedang melakukan kutipan derma supaya GV dapat terus membantu pelajar-pelajar yang memerlukan lagi-lagi di waktu ekonomi gawat skrg. RM100, RM10, even RM1 sekali pun sangat-sangat kami hargai kerana kebaikan anda sekarang, dapat mengubah masa depan orang lain. Satu ayat yang saya pegang dari dulu, kita tidak akan miskin dengan menderma.
  • Out of stock

    Fundraiser by Wei Siang for #HarapanMulia

    RM 368.88


    RM 300.00 Goal

    11 Donors

    Hi, I'm Wei Siang. It is my pleasure to be one of the fundraiser for Harapan Mulia!It's been eight years since i first volunteered for great vision, a trustworthy charity organisation that is well managed by a group of professional committees and was always supported by a wonderful bunch of people.Rakan Shopping Program and Didik-Kasih EduCare Program is two of the main charity programs run by Great Vision to provide financial aid to those underprivileged families, do check out the program details from official webpage and you will know how your little act of kindness will make a huge impact to the B40 needies!Life is busy, and it can sometimes be easy to forget to show your gratitude for all that you’ve been given. Since you are here reading my write up, please just click on the donation button to make a difference!It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving, thank you for your kind blessing and support!
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    助贫。辅青 by Tan Mew Wai for #HarapanMulia

    Minimum Donation RM 1.00

    RM 946.00


    RM 10,000.00 Goal

    11 Donors

    “助”和“贫”,这两字相信是我们今年在媒体最常看到的字眼。因为疫情,让很多低收入的弱势群体陷入生活的窘境。因为疫情,社会涌现了很多的善心人士,在逆境中雪中送炭,帮助有需要的人。贫困是怎样的?我以前的想象就是,三餐不稳定,没有自己的交通工具和房子,没有储蓄,没有多余的钱购买自己想要的东西。早期参加了缅泰辽边界的慈善活动, 加上这几年去了几个严重弱后的原住民村庄,以及常接触一些国内外弱势群体。我觉得以前的想象是多么的狭窄和无知,其实贫困所涉及身心灵的煎熬,会逐渐消耗自己对人生正面的积极与前进。贫困是可以被消除的,当然不能永远单靠慈善团体,最久远的实际方式是教育下一代的青年。辅青是我对于这个Didik Kasih Educare Program 的华语诠释,这计划是辅助来自孤儿院或者贫困家庭的好学青年有机会完成大学课程,未来可以独立开创自己的人生,将来也能以感恩的心回馈社会。慈善 = 一个机会,不管是给与或接受的人,都是机会的开沿。我希望透过这篇的书写,能鼓励大家发挥善心,支持明年Persatuan Harapan Mulia(宏愿慈善协会) 的2个慈善项目- Rakan Shopping (陪购计划-捐赠日常用品给与贫困家庭) & Didik Kasih Educare Program(关爱教育助学金计划)捐款多少不设限,希望大家伸出援手,让这个机会的平台能够受惠更多需要的弱势群体。耕心慈善协会活动策划组长 鄧妙慧 启
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    Fundraiser by NianShan for #HarapanMulia

    RM 1,000.00


    RM 1,000.00 Goal

    10 Donors

    Hello everyone,Am NianShan here..Here I want to share a very meaningful things with all my relatives and friends. Because of the epidemic, many families or people are facing many problems and crisis. I not forcing everyone to donate just like I did. I just hoping if we can help out why not just help out whichever we can. There’s no need a big amount for your donation just donate whatever amount that you want it! Let the world become colourful like last time. A big thank you to Great Vision for the fundraising. Thank you to those people for the donations!
  • Kesukarelawanan Orang Asli: SK Behrang

    RM 45.00


    RM 400.00 Goal

    9 Donors

    Pada tahun ini, kami mahasiswa/i dari kursus kesukarelawanan, Universiti Pendidikan Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) akan menganjurkan program Membina Jalinan Masyarakat: Inisiatif Sukarelawan UPSI Dengan Murid Orang Asli yang bertempat di Sekolah Kebangsaan Behrang, Perak.

    Tujuan utama program kami adalah untuk memberi bantuan dalam pembangunan kemahiran sosial, kreativiti, dan keyakinan diri dalam kalangan murid-murid anak orang asli.

    Kesannya, program ini akan memberikan motivasi yang baru kepada murid orang asli untuk kekal bersekolah dan merasakan kegembiraan sepanjang pembelajaran berlangsung.

    Sepanjang program dijalankan, beberapa aktiviti telah dirancang yang mana semua aktiviti tersebut adalah berpusatkan kepada murid. Dengan ini, murid-murid mampu melatih diri untuk berkomunikasi dengan baik dan dapat membina bentuk semangat kerjasama yang cemerlang.

    Oleh itu, aktiviti yang dijalankan adalah disasarkan kepada murid orang asli dari umur 6 hingga 12 tahun.

    Dengan rendah hati, kami mengalu-alukan sumbangan orang ramai dengan seikhlas hati bagi memberi sumbangan dana agar program ini dapat berjalan lancar dengan jayanya.

    Mari bersama- sama menyumbang agar dapat memberi tenaga dan impak yang positif kepada anak-anak di sana.